VALUE PLANNING  ...... community based solutions for investing in plans, not projects

Value Planning is an emerging approach to investment and policy planning designed to help communties identify project and policy priorities that will create the most substantive and sustainable benefits to citizens arising from the implementation of a coherent public / private investment strategy. There are four main stages in the process;


DISCOVERY: Asset Mapping: to comprehensively identify community assets (social, pysical, environmental) and map their linkages.  

VISIONING: Value Creation Potential: to identify an integrated suite of development propositions that will maximize potential economic and social returns on public infrastructure investments using a combination of stakeholder engagement, best practice research and geoanalytics to identify “foundational projects.”  The desired output is a coherent value creation strategy built around linked foundational projects.

STRATEGY: Value Uplift Estimate: to calculate the “bankable returns" (both private and public) from investments and stakeholder contributions to the value creation strategy.  

GOVERNANCE: Value Realization Roadmap: to implement the strategy by applying the best available tools for engaging local partners and champions to create an "integrated and sequenced public / private sector investment plan".     

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Based on earlier work completed for the City of Winnipeg, City of Ottawa, City of Guelph, City of Saint John, and the Ontario Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal, Daniel  helped pioneer value planning as a practice in conjunction with Glen Murray and the Canadian Urban Institute.                       

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 A specific service offering is BIDiagnostics which has been designed for Business Improvement Districts / Business Improvement Areas to assist their Boards highlight: 

  • through TaxSIM, which public sector investments can return the greatest tax revenue bang for the municipal investment buck  
  • through BlockScore, which areas are promoting walkability and contributing to complete communities (and which areas have resolvable deficiencies)
  • through Neighbourhood Sustainability Index, the magnitude of gaps between performance and targets using a suite of consequential sustainability metrics